Category Archives: Branches of service

Medical corps

The medical service is indispensable for today's modern military forces and should ensure the rapid care of injured soldiers at any time in order to make them capable of fighting again as soon as possible. Integration into the army has been part of modern warfare for several centuries, with origins dating back to antiquity. Mehr lesen


The soldiers operating on foot of the land armed forces are called infantry. These divide themselves further according to weapon type, e. g. , to archers, sword fighters or musket protection. With the motorisation at the beginning of the second world war and then units the addition got the infantry like infantry (mot). , armoured...
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The pikemen belonged to the land forces from the 15th to the 17th century as heavy infantry and were in response to the increasingly occurring Franconian armored riders to fight these and other mounted units effectively.    


The standard equipment included a pike whose length exceeded that of ordinary cavalry and knights. So it was to be...
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Since the beginning of military conflict, there have always been parts of the fighting force, which were entrusted with pioneering tasks, which until the 20th century mainly from the tasks of construction of fortifications, bridge construction / reconstruction, construction of military infrastructure and blowing up enemy facilities. Already the Assyrians in the 7th to 9th century...
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